Conspiracy theory type thinking arrests all clear thinking and reason,
Knee-jerk conspiracy theory type thinking is the con’s piracy of reality,
The con artist could be anybody,
The con artist could be you or me,
The con artist is anybody that fools themself into thinking,
That all awful acts of terror always require,
Deeper complexity and plotting,
With wider-spread collaboration and secrecy,
And the sure-fire cover-up of inside-job evidence,
Plus also higher meaning,
Sometimes believed with religious-like faith and conviction,
The ear-shooter cannot be as simple as a 20-year-old nihilistic incel committing Suicide+,
Never-ever bro, the truth can be found on Truth Social and Twitter I mean X,
In reality it's actually normally lone white males - disturbed aggrieved wrecks,
Like the Jodie Foster fanatic that shot Ronald Reagan,
Or the Holden Caulfield stan that shot John Lennon,
Or any of the 100's of school shooters who've shot dead or harmed 1000's of classmates & 100's of teachers,
But when it comes to attacks on the political world stage level,
The knee-jerk reflex can be to think conspiracy,
And this type of thinking can be sticky,
Because it's so hard to believe,
That a single act of such horrific magnitude & consequence can be so random so simply,
It can never be a disturbed ex-Marine sharpshooter Soviet sympathizer that alone shot JFK,
Impossible dude, just ask Oliver Stone, Alex Jones, or even JFK's nephew RFK Jr.,
It can never be terrorists acting on their own behalf like al-Qaeda did on 9-11,
No way man, some great JRE and Tucker sessions were just asking these questions,
And can never be due to the incompetence of any government employee or official,
Like devils my bros, it's all collusion at the highest levels and behind the shadows,
Incompetence is always off the table,
It's got to be a master plan from on high,
Orchestrated by the hidden and real powers that be,
Knee-jerk conspiracy type thinking is no longer limited, to real acts of horrific magnitude & consequence,
It's now about small things,
Made up out of whole cloth,
Like Candidate Harris' big crowd sizes being fake made-up AI images,
Or her not being black until recently,
Made up by the netizens of Podspiracyland,
Picked up by Fox News & Newsmax who signal boost it,
Covered by CNN & MSNBC who have no choice but to cover it,
And then live on stage,
Not a rally,
On live TV,
In front of 70 million viewers,
During a debate,
A candidate,
An ex-President rerunning for office,
Brought up, and insisted, very dead seriously, that there is actually,
A widespread outbreak of feral Haitian immigrants,
As yet more proof that immigrants are savage indigents,
"...these millions and millions of people that are pouring into our country...
... In Springfield, they're eating the dogs. The people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating -- they're eating the pets of the people that live there...
...people that are pouring into our country and killing people..."
The very next days,
Springfield received 30-plus different bomb threats,
Causing school closures and having to cancel their annual festival,
30-plus bomb threats,
Made in the very name of,
Trump's very cat and dog bullshit tactics,
His con is the piracy of reality,
Some are still looking under their couch cushions for Obama's birth certificate,
While in plain view,
This con's piracy of reality remains the number-1 most watched most actual,
Conspiracy production of all time - the greatest.